About nootropics

What is the meaning of nootropics?

What does the word nootropics exactly mean?

It's made of two Greek words,  noos means intelligence, vouc means mind and troupe means turning, so the exactly rough translation is mind/ intelligence turning, in very broadway, its meaning is the substance which has an effect on the brain, in other words, these are drugs, supplements, and other substances,  which can improve cognitive function, we can also call them cognitive enhancers, which means they can boost your brainpower. Right nootropics can help you in a big way, they have the potential to help you, by providing some unique mental abilities.,(1),(2),(3),(4)

Let's see 

                                         About Nootropics

Most of the people  using them for

Better memory 

Better sleep

Better management of  stress, anxiety, depression 

Better mood

Better alertness

Better motivation 

Better creativity 

They can also provide hope and some help in the diseases  such as

Dementia, ( loss of thinking  ability, memory, and other mental abilities)

Alzheimer's disease, ( memory  loss, trouble in focusing )

Huntington disease

Parkinson's disease 

Nootropics also reduce the age-related decline of brain

From where does this term nootropics come from?

Nootropics, this becomes only popular recently, although this term was created and invented by a Romanian doctor, psychologist, and chemist Dr. Corneliu E. Giurgea in the 1970s. 

What they are?

We can categorize them into two main categories 

1,:- Naturals

2,:-Synthetic substances, you can call them drugs.

Are they harmless?

Like any other drugs, they also have side effects,  if they are taken in more amounts.,rather if they are misused.

Do, we need to consult the doctor?

For some we need a prescription,  some can be obtained,  on the counter, but at least it is better if your doctor is informed about it., as he can suggest some better options.

How much safe they are?

Most of the naturals can be regarded as safer, than synthetics, but side effects can not be ruled out.

Are nootropics stimulants?

Prescription nootropics can largely be considered as stimulants, others are having mild activity as a stimulant., anyway their job is to provide support to focus and alertness.

How nootropics work?

In a very nutshell, there's  work is to provide improvements in mental functions 

What do nootropics do?

They affect the brain, in a positive way, improve almost all functions of the brain.

Are nootropics worth it?

So for we don't have any clean and clear research studies, whatever research has been done it is done on synthetic drug substances, more research is needed in this area. Doctors have a very controversial opinion, some believe they have great health benefits, others believe they have hidden, unforeseen side effects. 

What are natural nootropics? 

These are plant bases on herbal products, most important are ginseng, ginkgo, bacopa, ashwagandha, etc in nootropics facts, we are going to discuss about nootropics, all type of materials which can boost mental ability, help in brain functions, provide solutions for brain diseases.

What we intend to do in this blog, Nootropics Facts?

Our basic objective is to make people aware of these nootropics, also to provide
 whatever scientific research findings of them, in truth facts about nootropics.
 after the covid-19 problem worldwide most of the people are badly affected on
 this brain functions
Most of the people today on the planet earth is facing one common problem and that is
-very severe brain-related problems
so what to be done, it's very important to address these situations, and we believe from Nootropics Facts, not only believe but we have enough research data, that points out that we must take help from some nootropics, sooner we take better we will be, because of this very thought, we started this blog where we will address most of the problems and their related solutions by adopting this very nootropic

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